Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Please read the following bible verses then discuss them with a parent or other trusted adult: Matthew 25:31-46

What does this passage tell us about Jesus? What does this passage tell us about being Jesus followers?

Watch this video and make a comment:

Hands and Feet of Jesus Vid

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Please watch this video:
Communion Vid

What do you think the message of this video is? Please post a response.

Communion & Baptism

This week we'll be exploring COMMUNION and BAPTISM.

1. Please read the following passage from the bible: Matthew 26:18-30. Take a moment to retell this story about communion in your own words as a comment to this blog post.

2. Please read Acts 16:25-34. Please answer these questions in a comment to this blog. Who was baptized? Why were they baptized? Also, please give your definition of baptism in a comment.

3. Discuss communion and baptism with a trusted adult. What do THEY think communion and baptism are about?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What is Grace?

Watch this video:
What is Grace Video

What do YOU think grace is? Please leave a comment.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Who does the Saving?

Here is a quote from a friend of mine's blog about what it means to have salvation in Jesus Christ:

"...our focus [should be] on the One doing the saving more than those who are being saved. Our salvation is more about the Triune God than about us. We respond to grace, but the emphasis is properly on the One who extends that grace."

We just talked about the Big, Three-In-One God last week. If God is that big, then he is big enough to offer us salvation. Salvation simply means to become again what we were orginally designed to be. We were designed to act like God, our creator, to other people and to the universe. But, left to ourselves, we will choose NOT to act like God. Jesus came to show us how to act like God. Jesus also took on our desire not to act like God (sin) and killed it off on the Cross. If we say we are sorry to God for trying to control our own lives, then trust Jesus with our lives, thoughts, actions, feelings, decisions, then we can begin to become more and more like we were created to be, and live a life that has deeper meaning and purpose.

Ephesians 2:8-9 (New Living Translation)

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.

Who is the One who does the saving? Please discuss this scripture with your parents or other trusted adult, then write a comment here.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Pretzel and the Trinity

Pretzel - Trinity symbol

Pretzels have been around for almost 1,400 years. History has their origin about A.D. 610 when a baker in a monastery in southern France or northern Italy twisted leftover strips of bread dough into the shape of a person's arms crossed in prayer, traditional posture for prayer in those days.

Monks began offering the warm, doughy treats to children who had memorized their Bible verses and prayers. They were used to help children understand the Christian Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The three empty holes in the pretzel represented the Christian Trinity. The monks called these treats pretiolas, Latin for little rewards.