Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Please watch this video:
Communion Vid

What do you think the message of this video is? Please post a response.


  1. So this video is explaining how people react to communion on the streets. All of the people that walk by are too embarassed or scared to be the only one walking up to the communion table. Maybe it is because they are uncomfortable since no one else around them is walking up to the table and taking communion. It is sort of like peer pressure.

  2. It was interesting to watch everybody walk by the man and his communion station. Many people saw him, but turned themselves away as if they were embarrased to take communion.

  3. I thought it was kind of sad that everybody was just walking away. And it was disapointing that somebody would laugh. And I agree that everybody seemed uncomfortable and didn't want to do it because nobody else was. But it was good that somebody finally came and took communion.
